How Vitamin C Benefits the Body

<strong>Teju from Colorado</strong> (Question)
Hi, my name is Teju from Germany, please can you explain How Vitamin C Benefits the Body?

How Vitamin C Benefits the Body (What are facts on Vitamin C)

Vitamin C is a vital vitamin that cannot be generated by the human body.

But it has several functions within the human body and has been associated with remarkable health benefits.

Vitamin C is among the safest and best nutrition according to specialists.

It’s water-soluble and seen in several vegetables and fruits, such as berries, oranges, kiwi fruit, bell peppers, broccoli, spinach, and kale.

With a lot of advantages including protection from immune deficiencies, cardiovascular disorder, health issues, eye disorder, and sometimes even skin wrinkling.

Base on advice to constantly take vitamin C in meals, a lot of men and women turn to supplements to fulfill their demands.

Below are clinically proven advantages of using vitamin C supplements.

How Vitamin C Benefits the Body

What benefits do Vitamin C have? – It helps reduce Heart Disease Risk.

Globally as researched, heart disease is the major cause of death.

Vitamin C can help lower those risk factors, which might decrease cardiovascular disease risk.

In research, an evaluation of eight studies using joint 293,172 participants was done.

The result proves that after 10 decades, those who consumed at least 700 milligrams of vitamin C per day had a 25 percent lower risk of coronary disease.

Compared to those who didn’t have a vitamin C supplement.

Interestingly, the next study of 15 studies found that ingesting vitamin C from foods and supplements helped to reduce the chance of cardiovascular disease.

But, scientists have been unsure if individuals who consumed vitamin C-rich foods followed a much healthier lifestyle than individuals who took a nutritional supplement.

Therefore, it remains unclear whether the differences were because of vitamin C along with other sides of the diet plan program.

Another study of 13 research looked at the effect of taking 500 mg/day of Vitamin C risk factors for cardiovascular disease.

This also includes blood glucose and cholesterol levels.

Simply speaking, it appears that consuming or taking at least 500 milligrams of vitamin C every day may lower the chance of cardiovascular disease.

But in the event that you previously have a vitamin C-rich diet then supplements might not offer extra heart health advantages.

Meaning, Vitamin C supplements are associated with a decreased risk of cardiovascular disease.

Vitamin C Benefits

How Vitamin C Benefits the Body?

Do Vitamin C lower blood pressure? – Very effective for High blood pressure risk.

High blood pressure puts you in danger of cardiovascular disease.

And that is the primary cause of death worldwide.

Various studies have demonstrated that vitamin C can help lower blood pressure at people with and without elevated blood pressure.

An animal study found that using a vitamin C supplement aids unwind blood vessels that carry blood out of the center.

And that helped to decrease the pressure levels.

In adults using present hypertension, vitamin C supplements help to decrease systolic blood pressure.

It decreases it from 4.85 mmHg and diastolic blood pressure from 1.67 mmHg, normally.

Additionally, people with higher blood pressure must not count on vitamin C for treatment.

Consequently, Vitamin C supplements are found to reduce blood pressure in healthy adults and adults with hypertension.


Vitamin C benefits when sick? – Help White Blood function well.

To begin with, vitamin C aids promote the creation of white blood cells called lymphocytes and phagocytes.

And this helps protect your system from diseases.

Among the principal reasons, people take vitamin C supplements would be to enhance their immunity.

Vitamin C is included in many pieces of the immune system.

Secondly, vitamin C aids these blood cells to function more efficiently.

It does this by shielding them from potentially harmful compounds, like free radicals.

Thirdly, vitamin C is a fundamental region of the skin’s defense mechanisms.

It’s actively transported into the skin in which it can serve as an antioxidant.

It also helps fortify your skin’s hurdles.

Studies also have proven that using vitamin C can shorten wound recovery time.

What is more low vitamin C levels are linked to bad health outcomes?

Meaning, Vitamin C can improve resistance by helping white blood cells to function more efficiently.

Likewise strengthens your own skin’s immune mechanisms and assisting wounds to heal quicker.

How does Vitamin C act as an antioxidant? – It’s a Strong Antioxidant.

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that could strengthen the body’s normal defenses.

Antioxidants are compounds that increase the immune system. They do this by protecting cells from damaging molecules known as free radicals.

When free radicals gather, they can cause a state called oxidative stress.

This oxidative stress is what usually causes a lot of chronic ailments.

Studies indicate that consuming more vitamin C may raise your blood glucose levels by around 30 percent.

This might reduce the possibility of chronic diseases including cardiovascular disease.

What does vitamin c do to the blood? – Reduce Blood Uric Acid Levels and Prevent Gout.

Gout is a kind of arthritis that affects approximately 4 percent of American adults.

It’s extremely painful and requires inflammation of the joints, particularly those of their large toes.

Individuals with gout experience sudden and swelling, acute attacks of anxiety.

Gout symptoms arise whenever there is a lot of uric acid from the blood.

Lactic acid is a waste product made by the entire body.

In elevated levels, it can crystallize and deposit at the joints.

Interestingly, many studies have revealed that vitamin C might decrease uric acid from the bloodstream.

Also, consequently protect against arthritis strikes.

Furthermore, a study of 13 clinical research discovered that using a vitamin C supplement more than 30 days considerably lower blood uric acid, even in contrast to a placebo.

Meaning, Vitamin C supplements, and foods can help to lower blood uric acid levels.

Likewise, reduce the risk of constipation.

How do vitamin c and Iron work together? – It Improves Iron Absorption.

Iron is an essential nutrient that has many different functions within the human body.

It’s vital for producing red blood cells and transporting oxygen through your body.

Additionally, vitamin C supplements will help enhance the absorption of iron in the diet.

Likewise, it helps to convert the iron that the body poorly absorbed.

For example, hi-tech resources of iron, into a shape that is much easier to consume.

This is particularly beneficial for individuals on a meat-free daily diet as meat is a significant source of iron.

In reality, simply absorbing 100 milligrams of vitamin C can boost iron absorption by 67 percent.

Because of this, vitamin C might reduce the possibility of anemia among individuals vulnerable to iron deficiency.

In a study, 65 kids with moderate iron deficiency anemia were given vitamin C supplements.

Researchers discovered that the supplement helped restrain their nausea.

Do you have a poor iron level?

Then consuming more vitamin C-rich meals or using a vitamin C supplement might aid in improving your blood glucose levels.

Therefore, Vitamin C does help the absorption of iron that’s poorly absorbed in our body. For example, iron in meat-free sources.

It might also lessen the possibility of iron deficiency.

What is the protection of  Vitamin C? – It helps Protects Memory and Thinking.

Low levels of the vitamin do lead to a diminished capacity to think and recall.

It affects over 35 million individuals globally and generally occurs among elderly adults.

Studies indicate that oxidative stress and inflammation close to the brain, nerves and spinal (together called the central nervous system) may boost the chance of dementia.

How Vitamin C Benefits the Body? Vitamin C is a very powerful antioxidant.

Additionally, many studies have proven that individuals with dementia might have reduced rates of vitamin C from the blood vessels.

Vitamin C supplements can aid against ailments like dementia, should you not get enough vitamin C in the diet plan program.

But more human-based research is necessary as a way to know the effects of vitamin C supplements on both neural system health.

Meaning, low vitamin C can lead to an increase in the probability of memory and thinking disorders.

Though a high intake of vitamin C both in supplements and foods has been proven to have synergistic influence.

Having understood these advantages, it’s also best to understand the Unproven Claims About Vitamin C.

Vitamin C Benefits

What does Vitamin C benefits do?

While vitamin C includes several clinically proven advantages, in addition, it contains many unfounded claims encouraged by weak evidence or no evidence in any way.

Prevents the frequent cold.

While vitamin C seems to decrease the severity of colds as well as the healing period by 8 percent in adults and 14 percent in children, it’s unable to avert them.

Cancer risk.

A couple of studies have related vitamin C consumption into a reduced risk of many cancers.

Most studies have found that vitamin C doesn’t impact the chance of cancer.

Protects against eye problems.

Vitamin C helps to decrease the risks of eye disorders.

Disorders like, esophageal and esophageal macular degeneration.

But, vitamin C supplements don’t have any effect or might even lead to harm.

May cure lead toxicity.

Although individuals with direct toxicity seem to have low vitamin C levels.

But, there’s not any strong evidence from individual studies that demonstrate vitamin C may cure lead toxicity.

How Vitamin C Benefits the Body?

What are the benefits of  Vitamin C supplements?

The more we examine vitamin C, the greater our comprehension of how varied it’s in safeguarding our wellbeing.

And has a lot of remarkable health benefits.

For example, fostering antioxidant levels, decreasing blood pressure, reducing heart disease risk.

It shields against arthritis attacks, enhancing iron consumption, boosting immunity and reducing anxiety risk.

From cardiovascular disease, stroke, cancer, eye health [and] resistance to living more.

Overall, vitamin C supplements are really good.

And it’s the easiest way to raise your vitamin C consumption should you fight to get enough from the diet plan.


Related Questions on How Vitamin C benefits the Body:

Yes, you can take vitamin c. But, do not take megadoses of vitamin C when you’re pregnant. Because studies have shown that taking too much vitamin C in the form of supplements during pregnancy can increase the risk of preterm birth. Likewise, excess vitamin C can also upset your stomach.

Can i have vitamin c when pregnant?

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Yes, you can take Vitamin C but please note that vitamin c has been researched for so many years before now as a possible treatment for colds, or as a means to help prevent colds. But the results have been inconsistent.

Overall, medical experts have found that it decreases the severity of colds as well as the healing period by 8 percent in adults and 14 percent in children, but it’s unable to avert them.

Can i take vitamin c when i have cold?

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Vitamin C is a vital vitamin for the body. According to studies, it was discovered that the breast regulates the amount of vitamin C in breast milk. Also, side effects are not seen over 1800 mg per day. So, taking therapeutic doses of vitamin C is not recommended in current breastfeeding resources during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

Can you have vitamin c when breastfeeding?

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A lot of mineral supplements (for example, chromium, zinc, iron, calcium, copper) usually taken by the mother has nothing to do or affect the breastmilk levels. But, the water-soluble vitamin supplements like, B vitamins and vitamin C taken by the mother mostly increase breastmilk levels.

Does vitamin C increase breast milk?

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All adults as recommended should take a daily dose of 65 to 90 milligrams (mg) of Vitamin C per day, while the upper limit is 2,000 mg per day. Although an excess of dietary vitamin C might not be harmful, the megadoses of vitamin C supplements might lead to Diarrhea and Nausea.

How many milligrams of vitamin c should you have a day?

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How Vitamin C Benefits the Body-I’m Revealing What They Won’t.

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