Menopause And Vulvar Itching

Menopause and vulvar itching are common during perimenopause.

This is also a period of intense hormonal fluctuation.

The vagina becomes dry and irritated because of the increase in estrogen.

This is usually aggravated by stress, certain foods, or other physical conditions.

Itching can become chronic, and at some time it can lead to a very itchy vagina.

Menopause And Vulvar Itching: Causes, Symptoms, & Treatment.

Many women, who have just gone through menopause and are experiencing uncomfortable symptoms.

Such as painful urination, vaginal dryness, urinary problems, and a lack of sensation in the vulvar area, wonder if they might be suffering from menopause and vulvar itching as well.

The answer is yes.

The reason for this is that many times the symptoms of menopause itself can cause itching in the vaginal area.

For example, during perimenopause, the vaginal tissues become very sensitive to the friction from intercourse.

Another reason for itching may be due to the fact that the vagina becomes more receptive to bacteria infection, which can lead to bacterial vaginosis.

Menopause is also accompanied by a number of other symptoms such as hot flashes and night sweats.

These occur when estrogen levels in the body fall below the normal level.

A decline in the quality of sleep as well as waking up feeling less rested than before may also be associated with menopause.

As a result of all these changes in the body, the woman’s immune system is affected as well.

The vagina starts to produce less natural lubrication and this leads to vaginal dryness.

This condition of less lubrication combined with hormonal changes in the body are conditions that can lead to the growth of infections.

In some cases, bacterial infections in the vagina lead to candida infections in the uterus which can ultimately lead to menopause and vulvar pain.

Women need to know what causes vaginal dryness and discomfort and take appropriate steps to treat the condition.

In some cases, vaginal hydration treatment is prescribed.

Symptoms of Menopause and Vulvar Itching

Symptoms of Menopause and Vulvar Itching.

There are many symptoms that can be associated with perimenopause and vulvar itching.

Many women mistake these symptoms for being caused by the onset of menopause.

But it should be noted that menopause itself does not cause these symptoms.

They are caused by extreme hormonal fluctuations.
And they can also be caused by specific diseases or conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, and osteoporosis.

As mentioned, it is quite common for women to experience the symptoms of menopause and vulvar itching at various points in their lives.

A few of these include pre-menopause, early menopause, and peri-menopause.

Some women may only experience the symptoms once they reach menopause.

In some women, though, it may occur several years later, especially if they have had children.

The most common symptom of menopause is vaginal dryness.

Women who have never experienced menopause report vaginal dryness.

Other symptoms include pelvic pain, which is relieved by perineal massage.

These reliefs are caused by decreased levels of estrogen.

Other factors causing vaginal dryness are: sexual intercourse, vaginal douching, and pregnancy.

Pelvic pain occurs due to the increase in fluid output from the vagina.

This can be caused by hormone imbalances or due to the actuality that the vagina is shrinking.

When the vagina shrinks, it leaves less room for the tissue inside it to re-grow and maintain its shape.

This makes for a tight feeling around the vaginal area.

Pregnancy can cause hormonal imbalances.

The increased levels of estrogen, progesterone and other hormones cause the lining of the uterus to thicken.

This causes a variety of changes in the lining of the uterus.

Some of them are: hardening of the cervix, thickening of the uterine lining, stretch marks, and even cancer of the cervix.

These changes occur before the first month of pregnancy.

However, some can still happen up to the fourth month of pregnancy.

Itching is one of the most bothersome symptoms of menopause and vulvar itching occurs because the skin is so sensitive.

It can be very itchy. This may not be a symptom that is apparent at first.

Women who have this problem find that their skin becomes very dry, flaky, and itchy.

In some cases, women experience pain when they scratch at their vaginas.

What Home Remedy Can I Use To Stop Itching

What Home Remedy Can I Use To Stop Itching? This Tip Helps.

Some women find that menopause and vulvar itching can be treated using natural treatments that are available at home.

These treatments have no side effects and can be started immediately.

For example, apple cider vinegar is a good cure for the symptoms associated with menopause and vaginal dryness and itching.

1. Apple cider vinegar.

Apple cider vinegar contains acetic acid, which helps get rid of vaginal dryness and itching.

It is best to dilute the vinegar with water first and then soak a tampon in it.

The tampon should be inserted into the vagina and left there for around 20 minutes.

Then the next step is to remove the tampon and apply apple cider vinegar directly on the vulvar area.

Repeat this treatment every day until the symptoms disappear.

2. Yogurt.

Another natural treatment for menopause and vaginal dryness is yogurt.

Yogurt is a good source of lactobacillus acidophilus bacteria that has the ability to control yeast infection.

This bacterium is already present in the body.

Yogurt can effectively eliminate the symptoms of menopause and vaginal dryness by providing the necessary bacteria needed to fight off.

However, women must be sure that they are not allergic to the active bacteria in the yogurt.

If this is the case, they should consume only plain yogurt.

Another thing that they must remember is that a yeast infection of the vagina can be caused by other things like poor hygiene and bad sanitation.

Therefore, if they have another problem that is causing the symptoms of a yeast infection, it will not help to treat the menopause and vaginal dryness itself.

3. Garlic.

Garlic is another natural treatment for yeast infection of the vagina.

It can either be eaten or applied directly to the affected area.

If they are looking for an alternative to garlic, they can also try using apple cider vinegar, tea tree oil, and echinacea instead.

These natural treatments do not have any side effects and can help restore the body’s immune system back to normal.

4. Anti-inflammatory Cream.

Menopause and vulvar itching can be treated in many different ways.

For women who have an underlying health condition, such as diabetes, may need to use prescription medications.

There are over-the-counter medications, as well.

The cream is often applied to the area.

And the important thing is to take care of the problem as soon as possible.

5. See your doctor on regular basis.

You do not have to suffer from menopause if you can get away with it.

And you should not feel embarrassed about it or try to hide it because of your feelings.

You should see your doctor on a regular basis.

If you suspect that your symptoms are caused by menopause, you should make an appointment as soon as possible.

And if you ignore the problem, you could be putting yourself at risk for bacterial vaginosis or even a fallopian tube disease.

These are two very serious problems.

You do not want to put your health in danger.

6. Wash after wearing thongs.

If you decide to wear thongs, just make sure they are washed after every wearing.

Cheap thongs can cause skin irritation.

Try to go without them as much as possible.

Sometimes they are unavoidable!

7. Use natural products.

Most women find relief from menopause and vulvar itching by using certain products that are designed for this purpose.

There are several natural products that can help you.

They are made from plants that are beneficial to your health.

Most women report great results.

This is also a time when you may consider buying a pet and taking her along with you.

Just know that she will be able to relieve your problem while you are out.

8. Get plenty of sleep and drink plenty of fluids.

For most women, menopause and vulvar itching are uncomfortable and cause a lot of stress.

This is why it is important to take some time for yourself during this time.

Get plenty of sleep and drink plenty of fluids, which will help to keep you properly hydrated.

9. Wear comfortable clothing.

Make sure that you wear comfortable clothing because this helps to keep your skin moisturized.

It may also be helpful to try wearing cotton underwear because it allows the area to breathe easier than silk.

Try to avoid wearing too tight clothing, because this can irritate the skin even more.

10. Avoid using harsh soaps or cleansing agents.

Try to avoid using harsh soaps or cleansing agents.

Instead, use a mild cleanser that is designed for sensitive skin, such as Neutrogena or Dove.

You may also want to consider a hot bath because it can help to soothe the area and give it some relief from the irritation.

This can help you eliminate irritation and itching for most women.

11. Oatmeal bath.

If you have a problem with itching and irritation of the vaginal area, then one of the benefits of a colloidal oatmeal bath for menopause and Vulvody is that this is a natural treatment that will relieve these symptoms and help you to feel better.

Along with the soothing qualities of colloidal oatmeal, there are other benefits that come with the bath.

You can get relief from muscle aches, dryness, and itching that you may have had in previous years due to your constant movements or the stress that you may have had due to your job or family responsibilities.

Another benefit of colloidal oatmeal bath for menopause and Vulvody is that it can be used as a preventative measure for some conditions.

One of these conditions is vaginal atrophy, which occurs when the vagina becomes naturally smaller.

While this can happen to both women and men, it is more common in women.

The benefit of a colloidal oatmeal bath for menopause and Vulvar itching will be that this will help to reduce the vaginal atrophy that you may have already experienced and prevent any future loss of tissue.

This will help you feel better and live a better quality of life.

Some people use the colloidal oatmeal baths for menopause and Vulvar itching as a part of their regular bathing routine.

You can try making a colloidal oatmeal wash as part of your normal bathing process for the benefit of both your skin and your body.

This will help you save money and time, so you will have more time to spend on other things, such as finding the perfect treatment for your menopause and helping yourself feel better.

The time you spend in the bath will also give your skin a break from the intense irritation that it normally experiences.

You can also get a good relaxing bath with this type of bathing.

12. Moisturize regularly.

There are many benefits to moisturizing regularly for menopause and Vulvar Itching.

Firstly, it is important to realize that the skin is a living, breathing organ just like any other.

One of the most important benefits of regular hydration is that it helps keep our skin healthy.

When our skin becomes dry our bodies can not provide the necessary moisture to keep the cells alive and healthy.

This is why moisturizing regularly for Menopause and Vulvar Itching cannot be overstated.

Moisturizing is also very important when it comes to keeping our immune systems strong.

One of the greatest benefits of Moisturizing regularly for Menopause and Vulvar Itching is that it helps to keep our immune systems strong.

By keeping the skin moist we are also protecting our skin from some cancer.

Moisturizing regularly for Menopause and Vulvar Itching is also that it can make our skin softer than it may have been previously.

This is done by allowing more blood to flow freely to the area.

The skin is made softer can also improve our skin’s appearance.

Using coconut oil or aloe vera gel is a very good option.

13. Use a cold compress.

When you have some amount of swelling in the vaginal area it becomes very uncomfortable and irritating.

The same is true with the vulva.

And the reason for the swelling is the lack of estrogen hormone production in the body during menopause and with age as well.

With the reduction of estrogen and the increase of testosterone the vulva gets larger, which causes the problem of itching and irritation.

Another benefit of cold compress for menopause and Vulvar is that it helps to reduce the level of dryness and itching in the vaginal area.

This happens due to hormonal imbalance in the body.

Cold compresses works like a lubricant which reduces dryness and itching.

This helps to get rid of dryness which is one of the most irritating things associated with menopause.

In addition to all the benefits of cold compression for menopause and Vulvar, it also helps to relieve some symptoms of depression.

The increased level of hormones in the body causes a lot of stress to the body resulting in various mental and emotional problems.

Relief from such symptoms is one of the best benefits of a cold compress for menopause and Vulvar.

14. Eat a good diet.

The most important thing when it comes to menopause and vulvar itching is to take care of yourself.

A poor diet can lead to poor health and can cause many problems for you.

Try to include as many nutrients as possible in your diet, especially those that are rich in vitamins.

These can include things like green leafy vegetables, whole grains, and soy products.

All of these natural treatments can be done at home and do not require anyone to visit their doctor or take any pharmaceutical products.

In fact, the benefits of these treatments are far better than what the pharmaceutical companies are providing for menopause and vaginal dryness.

And in addition, they do not cause any negative side effects.

It is important for women who are suffering from menopause and vaginal dryness to find a good treatment immediately to eliminate the symptoms and keep them away for as long as possible.

Treatment of Menopause and Vulvar Itching

Treatment of Menopause and Vulvar Itching – Medical treatments.

Many Medical treatments for menopause and Vulvar itching include topical creams, medications, and dietary supplements.

1. Topical creams.

Topical creams are primarily used to treat the dryness of the vaginal skin.

These topical treatments are generally applied to the vulva area.

Many of these creams contain ingredients that are known to have soothing effects.

However, you should consult your doctor before using these topical treatments to relieve the symptoms associated with menopause and vaginal dryness.

These treatments may not be effective in dealing with the actual problem of menopause and vaginal dryness.

In most cases, topical creams don’t have sufficient concentration to provide relief from menopause symptoms.

Also, they can have some side effects.

Moreover, these topical creams are only useful for short-term treatment.

You may experience vaginal dryness and itching during and even after treatment.

2. Steroidal Topical medications.

Steroidal Topical medications are another of the medical treatments for menopause and vaginal dryness.

They are useful for both short-term and long-term use.

However, these medications should not be used without the consultation of a doctor.

3. Surgical treatments.

Surgical treatments may also be recommended by your doctor.

In the case of extreme cases, these treatments may be required to relieve the symptoms of menopause and vaginal dryness.

However, you should always bear in mind that the surgical procedure involves risk.

You may become infertile as a result of the surgery.

In addition, the surgery can sometimes fail to deliver its promised results.

This is why you should always weigh your options carefully before deciding to undergo a specific surgical treatment.

4. Synthetic Estrogen Compounds and Progestin.

The most common types of treatments for menopause and vaginal dryness are synthetic estrogen compounds and progestin.

These two types of treatment have the same aim – to make the vaginal tissues more fertile so that you can ovulate.

However, they have different modes of action.

Estrogen compounds tend to be more effective when they are used topically and are combined with progesterone.

Progesterone, on the other hand, works best when used orally or sublingually.

5. Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT).

If you opt for synthetic hormones, you may ask your doctor to prescribe a hormone replacement therapy (HRT).

This type of treatment can be useful when menopause has already occurred and the woman still experiences hot flashes.

However, you should be aware that long-term use of such treatments for menopause can result in severe complications.

Moreover, long-term HRT use can lead to certain types of cancers.

6. Topical treatments.

If you opt for topical treatments, your doctor may recommend creams and gels.

Topical treatments for menopause and vaginal dryness are very popular these days.

These products are applied right on the vaginal area so that they can penetrate through the vagina and reach the skin of the outer genitals.

These creams and gels contain certain medicinal elements like vitamins, minerals, and herbs.

However, you should always remember that these types of treatments can only achieve their desired effects if they are used properly.

7. Herbal remedies.

Another effective type of treatment for menopause and vaginal dryness is using herbal remedies.

Herbal remedies are usually made from organic plant extracts.

Some popular herbs that are commonly used for this purpose include blessed thistle, wild yam, and Dong Quai.

You can also consider alternative medicines as well.

However, it is highly recommended that you discuss these options with your doctor before you use them.

8. Phytoestrogens.

Phytoestrogens are natural plant estrogens that have a similar molecular structure to estrogen.

Women who are going through menopause experience hormonal changes that lead to certain physiological changes within their bodies.

This includes but not limited to hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, and of course the onset of menopause.

These changes are part of the natural aging process and a person going through this phase can no longer take the synthetic hormones that they have been taking for many years.

The introduction of Phytoestrogens for menopause and Vitex can help these women deal with the effects of menopause more easily.

Since they will no longer have to worry about dealing with these side effects of the hormones that they are taking.

There are a couple of different ways how Phytoestrogens can benefit the body.

But the most common benefit of Phytoestrogens for menopause is the alleviation of vaginal dryness.

Some of the symptoms of this condition include itching, burning, irritation, soreness, and sensitivity.

One of the major causes of this condition is an acidic vaginal environment.

Phytoestrogens naturally occur in a woman’s body and therefore the introduction of Phytoestrogens for menopause and Vitex can help neutralize these acid levels in the vagina.

Thereby helping to relieve the symptoms of this condition.

It is important to note that the benefits of Phytoestrogens for menopause and pre-menopause do not include allergies or symptoms of cancer as mentioned earlier.

Other conditions that benefit Phytoestrogens include menopause, osteoporosis, menopausal, and post-menopausal women, vaginal dryness and irritation, rashes, and acne.

It should also be noted that these benefits of Phytoestrogens are not limited to any one group of people.

9. Acupuncture.

Another type of medical treatment for menopause and vaginal dryness is using acupuncture.

Acupuncture has the ability to treat various diseases including hormonal imbalance.

Also, Acupuncture can help relieve the symptoms of menopause and vaginal dryness by increasing estrogen production in the body.

The menopause and vaginal dryness treatments can be performed by a licensed professional.

Some of these treatments may need to be done in your home depending on the severity of your condition.

It is important that you discuss the possible treatments with your doctor so you can get the best results.

How to Prevent Itchiness During Menopause

How to Prevent Itchiness During Menopause.

How to preventing itchiness during menopause is one of the questions that most women ask when they are already in menopause.

This is because it is normal to have some degree of dryness during this stage of your life.

And this is because the female body cannot produce enough estrogen to help keep the vaginal area moist and lubricated.

When you are in menopause and the vaginal dryness gets worse, then you can expect the itchy feeling to become more intense.

This is one of the uncomfortable things that you will experience in your menopause years.

Also, this is why finding out how to preventing itchiness during menopause should be considered by all women who are approaching menopause.

And one of the ways to do this is to use certain products that will hydrate the vaginal area.

One of the best ways is through using a topical cream.

The hydrating cream is applied to the vaginal area.

Most creams contain ingredients that will prevent dryness in the vaginal area.

It is important for any woman in this stage of life to take care of her vaginal area.

This will help prevent itching and avoid discomfort.

The best way to moisturize is through using a water-based lubricant.

It is best if the lubricant is water-based.

This is because it is designed to maintain the vaginal area moist.

There are also vaginal moisturizers that contain natural ingredients.

These are best if you want to avoid side effects from over-dryness or irritation.

Another way to relieve yourself of irritating symptoms is to soak in a hot bath.

This helps relax your muscles, which will help you fight off irritations.

If you cannot stand taking a bath in public, you can cover yourself up with a wet towel or use a tissue.

Vaginal dryness can also occur when there is poor hygiene.

Make sure you always wear clean panties.

Wear loose clothing so that air can circulate around your vagina.

The air will help moisten the vaginal area properly.

If you feel that you have rashes or burning, you should visit a doctor right away.

These types of symptoms could be signs of infections or other conditions that could be more serious than dryness.

It is always best to prevent complications by visiting a doctor as soon as possible.

How to prevent excessive vaginal dryness? Simple!

To relieve your discomfort and increase your chances of avoiding infections, you should wear cotton underwear.

The cotton will absorb the body’s moisture, leaving you feeling more comfortable and eliminating dryness faster.

If you feel that you need some temporary relief, you can purchase a lubricant cream.

Do you remember when you were pregnant and suffered from night sweats?

Well, during menopause, your body doesn’t produce the same amount of estrogen that it did during your pregnancy.

This is the reason why you are experiencing hot flashes.

In addition to causing night sweats, they can also cause vaginal odor.

Odor caused by these symptoms can easily be cured if you visit your doctor.

You may be wondering what you could do to solve this problem.

An alternative treatment is the use of yogurt.

Yogurt contains lactobacilli, a bacterium that helps to maintain the vaginal area healthy.

The natural bacteria in the yogurt will fight off infections that may be causing the foul odor.

How to treating the problem naturally is very easy.

You can also apply certain products to the vaginal area to relieve the dryness and itchiness.

These products include aloe vera gel, tea tree oil, and witch hazel.

There are a number of natural treatments that you can try that will help with the symptoms of menopause.

These simple treatments can make a huge difference when it comes to relieving the discomfort caused by dryness and itching.

Colloidal Oatmeal is something that many people may already know about.

You can use colloidal oatmeal to treat dry itchy skin during menopause.

This is great because it contains a compound called arbutin which will help to relieve your itching.

You can find colloidal oatmeal at almost any drugstore and it is not expensive to buy.

There are some great herbs that can provide soothing relief from the itching.

Two of these that are known to be helpful for itchy skin are black cohosh and red clover.

Both of these natural supplements are available at a local health food store.

They do not contain any estrogen-like chemicals which can cause hormone imbalances in the body and can lead to other health-related problems.

Since the hormone levels are not affected, neither will you develop menopause-related dermatitis.

A healthy lifestyle and diet can go a long way towards preventing the problems that come with menopause.

It’s important that you make sure that you eat a healthy diet during menopause and that you take all of your vitamins and supplements in.

The estrogen level can be affected by certain foods that you eat as well as supplements.

By keeping your skin clean and moisturized you can reduce your chances of developing dry, itchy skin that is prone to inflammation.

This is especially important if you suffer from frequent flare-ups as this condition worsens.

Although many people are looking for quick fixes, you can find a solution that works for you with a little patience.

If you want to know how to preventing itchiness during menopause, all you need to do is find a good treatment.

You don’t have to suffer from this problem any longer.

And you can get rid of your symptoms naturally without resorting to expensive drugs or surgery.

Follow these simple tips and you will start to feel better quickly.

What Helps External Vulvar Itching

What Helps External Vulvar Itching?

What helps external vulva itching?

Sometimes it is very hard to determine what causes your vaginal itch.

It could be because you have a yeast infection, stress, irritation from perfumes, or even poor hygiene.

The main thing is you know you have it and you need a solution to your problem.

There are two types of vulvovaginitis; bacterial and fungal.

And bacterial is usually caused by the use of feminine products like tampons, sanitary napkins, lubricants, and soaps.

Bacterial irritants are things like soaps with alcohol and other chemicals. The list goes on.

If you are not using any feminine hygiene products then you are more susceptible to having vulvovaginitis.

This is because the vulva is made up of delicate skin.

Women have hundreds of nerve endings on the vulva.

If anything irritates the vulva it causes intense itching.

The irritation causes a burning sensation that can bring discomfort to the women who experience it.

The causes of bacterial vulvovaginitis are numerous.

Douche is one of the most common irritants.

It contains a high concentration of chlorine.

Other factors include sexually transmitted diseases, latex condoms, and vaginal bacteria.

The causes of fungal vulvovaginitis are numerous.

One of the main reasons for this is poor hygiene.

Wipe alone after going through the bathroom is essential.

Antiseptic wipes are a great way to stop the itching.

You should also make sure that you do not have any tampons, pads, or pantyliners that contain perfumes or deodorants.

Cotton is the best fabric to choose to pad your vagina.

Stay away from anything that has a strong smell, such as Cologne, feminine deodorants, and perfume.

Also, try to stay away from scented bubble baths. These are some of the strongest irritants out there.

Itching can be caused by many different types of irritants.

Some of these are physical irritants such as tight clothing, nylon panties, and pantyhose.

Other irritants come from inside you and your reaction to them.

Some women have an allergic reaction to things like perfumes, soaps, and toilet paper.

There are several treatment options available for external vulva itching.

Over-the-counter treatments are available in many forms.

Others will work while some will not work as you use them.

For the most part, home remedies work very well.

They can be cheap and convenient, or you can try something stronger such as a cream.

Natural remedies can also be sought after.

Herbal supplements like Echinacea and Black Cohosh have been known to help.

Vitamin C is also a good thing to seek out.

There are many ways to take care of this problem naturally without the aid of chemicals.

If the itching persists, you may want to seek out advice from your physician.

He or she may be able to prescribe a topical cream that will help.

Medications will range from over-the-counter topical creams to prescription-strength pills.

Many of these will have side effects.

Be sure to research the product thoroughly before taking it.

These creams will help relieve the itch while promoting healing.

Your doctor may also recommend an antibiotic to rid the vagina of bacteria that are causing the itching.

There is always a risk with antibiotics, so you should only use them as a last resort.

Stress is another thing that can cause irritation in the external region.

Try to avoid getting stressed and the discomfort that comes with it.

Also, try yoga or meditation if you can, as they are very effective at relieving stress and at helping you relax.

Finally, you can relieve your external vulva itching by using heat.

Using a hot compress like a baby bath can bring instant relief.

If you don’t like the idea of applying a hot compress, you can try a vinegar douche.

This should only be done a few times per day and then you should see results.


The most important issue to be aware of when considering menopause is the fact that it can often lead to a problem known as menopause and vulvar itching.

Vulvar itching can in fact be rather extreme and can manifest itself in many different forms.

In many women, it manifests itself as a small rash or as intense itching.

Unfortunately for many women, this is a problem that they are unable to ignore, and in an effort to relieve themselves of this relentless itching many women do what they can under the guise of menopause relief.

One such common form of treatment is often medication, which in turn can cause more problems than they cure.

There is good advice on treatment and prevention of menopause, and one aspect of this good advice that not many women are willing to follow is the advice on reducing friction to the vagina during the peri-menopause years.

The obvious way to do this is to wear more comfortable underwear, and especially during the night.
Another very effective method of reducing friction is to use cotton underwear.

By making the vagina less slippery a woman is able to have greater control over when she is urinating and can avoid some of the uncomfortable and embarrassing side effects of menopause such as vaginal dryness and painful intercourse.

Of course, there are many other ways in which you can try to control the symptoms of menopause.

Some of the remedies that doctors recommend for menopause relief include dietary changes such as avoiding refined carbohydrates and increasing the intake of foods that are rich in fiber.

Along with this advice on treatment and prevention of menopause one very effective method of relieving some of the discomfort and inconvenience that can occur is a very simple procedure that can easily be done at home.

By soaking a tampon in a lubricating agent such as KY Jelly and placing it in the vagina for about half an hour can provide immediate relief from the discomfort caused by menopause.

The lubricant will also help to eliminate any feelings of dryness and itching.

This is just one of the many home remedies that are very effective at providing relief from the symptoms of menopause.

You may wish to discuss these options with your doctor to see if one of them would work better for you.

Menopause And Vulvar Itching: Causes, Symptoms, & Treatment.

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