There are several ways to treat E. coli. You can use antibiotics, but they can cause a number of side effects including nausea, loss of appetite, and upset stomach. Moreover, some people are allergic to antibiotics, which can be dangerous.
Can Spicy Food Cause UTI? – This will alleviate the problem!
During a urinary tract infection, you should try to avoid eating acidic or spicy foods. The reason is that these foods can irritate the bladder, which may worsen your symptoms. To avoid a UTI, you should eat blander foods such
Can Drinking Soda Cause UTI? – Does Soda Cause UTI?
Soda contains both caffeine and artificial sweeteners, which increase your risk of bladder infections. However, there are ways to reduce your risk by reducing the amount of soda you drink. For people with bladder infections, it’s important to avoid soda
Foods That Cause Yeast Infections – Proven Facts to work with.
The average diet contains many grain products, which have a high content of yeast. Eliminating these grains from your diet can help you fight off your infections. These products contain a lot of cholesterol, which is the body’s immune system’s
Chapped Vag Lips Treatment – Treatment and Home Remedies.
This article will cover the symptoms, home remedies, and treatments for chapped vag lips. It will cover things like using moisturizer and OTC antihistamines to soothe the skin and applying anti-itch creams and ointments. However, if you still experience dryness
Can Orange Juice Cause UTI – Simple Guide that’s Effective
You may be wondering if orange juice can cause a urinary tract infection. Usually, a lot of urinary tract infections in most cases are caused by E. coli bacteria. You might experience increased urination, painful urination, small amounts of urine,
Can A Man Give A Woman BV? Truth Back By Scientific Research
While BV is not transmitted during sex, it can be passed from one person to another. Men’s penises don’t have the delicate balance of bacteria that women’s vaginas do. However, men can pass BV to a woman. The good bacteria
How Fast Can A UTI Develop? – What to KNOW & Do!
When bacteria enter the urinary system, infection is created. Infection begins in the bladder, but it can also spread to the kidneys. If it has spread beyond the bladder, the symptoms can develop in less than 24 hours. And if
Diet For Recurring Yeast Infections – Types and Eat Plan!
A good diet for recurring yeast infections should support the balance of the good bacteria in the gut. This means including prebiotic fiber, probiotic foods, and plenty of vegetables. Glucose levels should also be under control, and you should avoid
Can Bacterial Vaginosis Spread To Anus – Causes, Symptoms & Treatment.
In addition to the vagina, bacterial vaginosis (BV) can also spread to the anus. CDC data show that it is more common in women than men. In fact, nearly 84 percent of women who have BV have no symptoms at