If you’re the type that your vagina or skin is always feeling a little irritated, then going on a few days and nights without wearing will be a good idea. The reason behind this is that some synthetic fabrics will
Microfiber Underwear Yeast Infection: Facts you need to know
Many people wonder if microfiber underwear cause yeast infections because the material itself has been shown to be less likely to harbor and promote the growth of yeast over the long term. Microfiber is a kind of fabric that is
Yeast Infection Underwear: Best for yeast infection and discharge.
Yeast infection in women is caused by Candida Albicans, and many women have quite a problem with it. The vagina has several thousand cells that are capable of causing yeast infections. Candida is commonly found in the intestines and in
Symptoms Of Severe UTI: Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment & Prevention
A urinary tract infection (UTI) is a common and potentially dangerous condition. It affects the bladder, kidneys, and urethra. Most UTIs are caused by bacteria that have become trapped in the urinary tract. In some people, bacteria can spread from
UTI Stomach Pain Relief: Causes, Symptoms & Treatments
If you’re suffering from a UTI, you may be searching for a way to alleviate stomach pain. Whether you have been prescribed antibiotics or you simply want to treat the pain yourself, there are many options for pain relief. If
Itchy Swollen Vag – After Intercourse Causes & Discharge Treatment
You may have experienced an itchy, swollen vag after intercourse. While the actual cause isn’t clear, we can say that it often consists of a burning and itchy sensation. Sometimes, this sensation can even resemble a bladder infection. The problem
Can Spicy Food Cause UTI? – This will alleviate the problem!
During a urinary tract infection, you should try to avoid eating acidic or spicy foods. The reason is that these foods can irritate the bladder, which may worsen your symptoms. To avoid a UTI, you should eat blander foods such
Foods That Cause Yeast Infections – Proven Facts to work with.
The average diet contains many grain products, which have a high content of yeast. Eliminating these grains from your diet can help you fight off your infections. These products contain a lot of cholesterol, which is the body’s immune system’s
Chapped Vag Lips Treatment – Treatment and Home Remedies.
This article will cover the symptoms, home remedies, and treatments for chapped vag lips. It will cover things like using moisturizer and OTC antihistamines to soothe the skin and applying anti-itch creams and ointments. However, if you still experience dryness
Yeast Infection No Health Insurance – Cheaper, Better & Permanent Options.
Yeast Infection No Health Insurance – Is There Anything Better? Yes, there are cheaper, better, and lasting options. The yeast in question is Candida Albicans, which is a naturally occurring fungus that lives in the body. Over time, the candida